Visage, the first-person psychological horror game that was clearly inspired by games such as P.T. and Outlast, is equal parts horrifying and brutally challenging. This is not a "hold your hand" type of experience with the game even going out of the way to state how hard it is during an opening splash screen.RELATED: Visage: How To Get The Void EndingHorror fans have a lot of content, depth, and nuance when first jumping into Visage, however, there are some things that you should definitely know prior to starting. Visage isn't a simple walking simulator horror experience. You are required to get to grips with its finicky mechanics and often cumbersome systems. For those that are patient, you are rewarded with a tight, challenging horror game.

7 The Punishing Difficulty

visage ghost in hallway

Visage is an incredibly punishing game, full stop. The game doesn't coddle you or guide you in any shape or form. This design decision will certainly not appeal to everyone except for the hardcore, old-school horror fans and maybe those were are masochistic. Visage wants you to investigate and figure things out for yourself.

Oftentimes this punishing nature of gameplay hinders the experience. There are many times you are left wandering the various rooms and hallways unable to figure out where to go next. If you are considering diving into Visage then just be patient with yourself and take time to explore each nook and cranny.

6 Ghosts Can Appear At Random

Visage Video Game Title And Cover

Where a lot of horror games provide you with scripted jump scares, Visage takes an alternate route. Due to the more open-ended nature of the gameplay, you might encounter a paranormal event at any time. This not only increases the potential scare factor but also ensures subsequent playthroughs of the game are kept fresh.

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"Ghost" is used as a very mild term here since you often encounter all sorts of otherwordly creatures, some more horrific than others. Simply put, you are never safe when exploring in this game so keep your guard up at all times.

5 Getting Used To Your Inventory

Visage. Gameplay featuring the game's creepy environment.

The best word to describe the inventory management system in Visage is cumbersome. For some reason developer SadSquare Studio opted for an inventory system that requires multiple button presses, item swapping, and clunky control settings to use the desired item.

For example, if you pick up an item that you no longer want to hold onto you have to hold one button to select the proper hand and press another button to drop the item from that desired hand. This may not sound complicated, but in practice, it can be off-putting. Take your time in the early game to get used to swapping items, using items, and dropping unnecessary items and you should be good to go.

4 Beware The Sanity Effects

A screenshot from the game, featuring... something haunting

Sanity effects in horror games have worked wonders in genre heavyweights such as Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Well, Visage is no different and opts to add sanity effects to further perpetuate the scares while exploring.

The sanity effects in Visage come down to two aspects, namely, staying in the dark too long, and seeing too many paranormal encounters up close. These sanity effects are subtle enough and don't feel too "gamey" which means you aren't taken out of the tense experience during a given chapter.

3 Let's Lighten The Mood

visage statues in outdoor area

While it might sound obvious, various light sources, specifically candles and lightbulbs, provide the best way to stay sane in this game. At the start of the game you are able to acquire a plethora of lightbulbs and candles. At various points in the game you will come across lamps or sconces that are burned out. By using a lightbulb you can permanently remove the darkness from that area.

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Similarly, candles, which are easier to find, can be set up at specific candle plates all throughout the game. These are important to take advantage of since they not only provide light but also act as a checkpoint or waypoint in case you get lost during your investigation. Fortunately, the game gives you a lighter at the start of the game so you can use that as need be.

2 The Diverse Game Chapters

visage character exploring museum with hammer

Visage's narrative takes place over the course of various chapters. These chapters are marked in the game world by various environmental items such as keys, a drawing, and even a crutch. By interacting with one of these "key" items you are able to start a chapter. However, once you start that chapter you can't move on until you complete it or start over from the beginning.

This narrative and gameplay approach does help the game to be more linear and self-contained. Despite each chapter acting as a standalone segment, you are still given ample freedom to navigate the creepy and foreboding locations.

1 Multiple Game Endings

derelict hallway and crowbar in visage

Visage features multiple game endings. These game endings can be found by completing certain objectives, meeting certain parameters, and fulfilling goals in each chapter. Horror games by nature are often brimming with mystery and intrigue, so it's nice to see Visage take up the reins to add in this replayability.

Due to the disturbing content that Visage is filled with, it may be tough to replay this game. The sense of oppression and anxiety when playing Visage, fumbling with your inventory, and avoiding paranormal encounters might just be enough for one playthrough. For the battle-hardened though, you can learn more through the various endings, both good and bad.

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