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In Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, the Gearbox team played off a lot of classic fantasy archetypes, twisting them just enough to make them weird and unfamiliar. One such example is the level that's just a town, wrapped up in a giant beanstalk that you, for some reason, planted.RELATED: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: How To Unlock Invisible Bridges In The OverworldThis area has plenty of twists and turns, so it's easy to get lost in. If you're trying to track down all the special collectibles, that can make it difficult. No need to fear! We're here to help you out.

Where To Find The Ancient Obelisk (x1)

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - ancient obelisk left, map right

The Ancient Obelisk won't take you long to track down. It's just on a side path, not far from where you enter the map! You can access it from the ruins of the town that you the beanstalk destroyed.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - tangledrift - obsidian wyvern

When you interact with an Ancient Obelisk, it'll spawn a challenge for you to complete. There will be a few waves of increasingly challenging enemies, then a boss will spawn. In this case, it's a dragon: the Obsidian Wyvern.

RELATED: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Where To Find All The Collectibles In Brighthoof

Where To Find The Lost Marbles (x2)

Lost Marble #1

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - lost marble left, map right (1)

The first Lost Marble can only be reached through a portal, since it's high up in a tower (cue the Rapunzel jokes). The tower with the Marble is indicated on the map above.

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - lost marble portal left, map right

The portal isn't far away, and there are NPCs peering down into it as a visual clue for you. The portal location is indicated on the map above.

Lost Marble #2

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - lost marble portal left, map right (1)

The second Lost Marble is a little out of the way, but not terribly so. Once you reach the town and unlock the vending machines and fast travel point, head off behind the vending machines to another large open area. This isn't the direction of the main quest, but it is the route you'll use to get to the side quest "Forgery." The Lost Marble is sitting on its own little platform, inside a mushroom ring. Just watch out for the blast of wind!

Where To Find The Lucky Dice (x21)

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - lucky die on left, beanstalk on right

Since there are so many Lucky Dice in Tangledrift, we've dedicated an entire guide just to finding them. Check it out here:

RELATED: Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands: How To Complete The Shrine Of Grindanna Temple Puzzle

Where To Find The Lore Scrolls (x5)

Lore Scroll #1

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - lore scroll on left, map right (4)

Grab the very first Lore Scroll out of an empty garden bed right after you enter this map for the first time.

Lore Scroll #2

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - lore scroll on left, map right

When you leave the ruined town to help the Punchfather (during the "Walk the Stalk" quest), keep an eye out for a dock. It was probably once overlooking a lake or something, but now it's just a lot of sky. You'll find the Lore Scroll there!

Lore Scroll #3

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - lore scroll on left, map right (1)

Keep working through the "Walk the Stalk" quest. You'll eventually get access to a large cathedral that needs to be cleared of vicious plants. On the outside, there's a Lore Scroll set next to a garden bed.

Lore Scroll #4


After the cathedral in the "Walk the Stalk" quest, there's a castle to venture through. Keep an eye out when you're on the battlements for this Lore Scroll.

Lore Scroll #5

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - lore scroll on left, map right (3)

Grab the final Lore Scroll after defeating this area's boss: the Parasite. You'll be teleported to this little island with some loot on it when the Parasite is dead! Just check around the other side of the house for this Lore Scroll.

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Where To Find The Poetry Page (x1)

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - poetry page left, map right

The only Poetry Page in Tangledrift is right at the start. You'll find it after you've just spawned into the map, but before you reach the ruins of the town.

Where To Find The Rune Switch (x1)

tiny tina's wonderlands - tangledrift - rune switch left, map right

The Rune Switch Puzzle is right outside the ruins of the town that you the beanstalk destroyed.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - Rune Switch Puzzle Solution (1)

When you interact with it, the runes will disperse and you'll need to chase them down within a set time limit. We've indicated the order you should grab them in the image above. The third and final rune is in the well and it can seem bizarre, at first, until you realize you need to jump off the side of this earthen platform to reach a small hole under the well.

NEXT: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Where To Find All The Lucky Dice In Mount Craw