Friday The 13th is a popular movie franchise, so when the game was released on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, people were thrilled. The game underwent a lot of glitches and bugs but ultimately was a fun and well-designed experience. Eight counselors are loaded into a map along with one randomly selected Jason from the lobby. The goal? Escape or survive - or kill everyone, if you’re chosen to be Jason.

Players collect experience points per match to level up, and the more you grow, the slower it becomes to hit the next level. Here are the tips that will help you gain the most XP points per match so you can quickly hit the maximum level of 150.

10 10. Take Advantage Of Double XP Events

Via: Twitter

The developers of the game tend to do double XP events. If it’s Friday the 13th in real life, or a special event such as Christmas or Halloween, they will award double XP for a whole weekend - sometimes even longer, or sometimes more than double. This is the best time to play because you’ll level up twice as quickly as you would at any other time.

It’s particularly useful if you’re a high level, since leveling up can seem like a slog by the time you’re nearing the max, when playing a few matches doesn’t bring you any more than half an inch closer.

9 9. Kill Jason - If You Can

Via: Bloody Disgusting

The easiest way to earn XP in the game by the bucket load is to kill Jason - and the whole lobby is awarded XP if this is done! Except Jason, of course.

The method is a little convoluted though. A female counselor must find Jason’s shack, which is unmarked on the map (look for an empty spot on the edge and go there). She can then put on his mother’s sweater. In front of Jason, she has to taunt him with it, and he will pause. Hit him with a weapon and he falls to his knees. Tommy Jarvis must then hit him with a machete or an axe to kill him.

Oh, and his mask usually needs to be off (although it’s been done without removing it). If you deal enough damage before all this, it will fall off.

8 8. Play As Jason More Often

Via: All Gamers

Jason generally earns more XP points than the counselors. Which is fair, because playing as Jason is actually more stressful.

If earning XP is your main goal, head to customize on the main menu and change your spawn preference to Jason. You can’t be Jason twice in a row but, with any luck, you’ll spawn as him every second or third time and this will earn you more XP than if you were playing as one of the counselors.

Choose your Jason wisely though, because some of them have better advantages than others. Part 4 tends to be popular with the more experienced players.

7 7. As Jason, Take Out The Right Power

Via: YouTube

There will be a couple of power boxes on the map and destroying one of them will earn you XP points. You won’t get points for destroying a second one after that though.

One of them will take out the radio and prevent the counselors from calling in Tommy Jarvis. The best thing to do for XP, however, is to take out the other one. Letting the counselors call Tommy in is more of an inconvenience for you, but it’s one more person to kill which will give you another point boost. For the most XP per match, let them call in Tommy, and then get him too!

6 6. Go For Environmental Kills Where Possible

Via: Reddit

As Jason, there are two main ways you can kill people. You can kill them by picking them up and choosing one of the four murder methods activated on your method of Jason. Or, you can carry them to one of the white circles that become highlighted when you pick them up and activate an environmental kill. These provide more points.

You have to be careful, though - walking to one of the circles gives the person in your grip a chance to struggle and escape, so only do it if it’s close enough. But aiming for all environmental kills will net you substantially more XP.

5 5. As Tommy, Your Goal Is NOT To Escape!

Via: Game Rant

As a counselor, your XP comes mainly from repairing transport like the car or the boat and escaping. One dead or escaped person is often chosen to respawn as Tommy, a character with great stats who then re-enters the match.

Your goal is not to escape if this happens, it’s to save everyone else!

Tommy gets pretty much nothing for escaping. He does, however, get points for counselors escaping near him, escorting them out, and even dying near them in an attempt to save them. Do not make the mistake of respawning as Tommy and running straight for the exit. You get no points and the other players will be annoyed.

4 4. Pick Up A Good Stunning Weapon

Via: YouTube

You can’t really fight Jason for too long or he’ll manage to kill you but in a scrape, you can stun him by hitting him with your weapon, and that’ll get you a decent amount of bonus points. Make sure you’re carrying around a good stunning weapon. The machete looks intimidating and will deal damage, but it won’t really stun him. The baseball bat, however, or even the frying pan have pretty good chances of knocking Jason down.

Be careful though. It’s hard to get close enough to hit him without him managing to grab you, and he can’t be stunned at all when he enters rage mode during the second half of the match.

3 3. Play A Character With A Good Repair Stat

Via: Steam

It’s tempting to focus on stamina and speed when picking a counselor, so you can run away as Jason. And you might notice that all of those level 150 players are choosing Vanessa so they can troll Jason as they stun him and then run away. But as a newer player who just wants XP so you can get to that point, focus on the characters with good repair stats.

You get no points for Jason chasing you, but you do get points for successfully repairing the car, boat, or phone. If leveling up is your main goal, this is what you should be focusing on.

2 2. Play On Smaller Maps

Via: Reddit

Smaller maps will make the game go faster and are much easier to get objectives done (and also easier to track counselors down if you’re Jason). For newer players especially, they tend to be much more enjoyable maps. Play on Packanack Small, Higgins Haven Small, or Crystal Lake Small - or even the bigger versions of these maps if you must.

Don’t play on Jarvis House or Pinehurst.

Of course, if you aren’t the first one in the lobby, you don’t get a say. But if you can choose the map, heed that advice. You’ll also burn through games quicker and therefore, level up quicker.

1 1. Even If The Police Come, Don’t Abandon Another Escape Route

Via: Reddit

So, it’s happened. Some awesome soul has repaired the phone and managed to call the police and after five long minutes, they’re waiting at an exit and you can run right out.

This might be the best option for you. Or it might not be. If a car is repaired and you’re holding the keys, or you’re putting the last part of the boat in, take that! You get more points for escaping any other way than running to the police.

Even better if you drive the car out of the police exit.

Of course, if you’re close to the police when they arrive and nothing is repaired, go for it. Better than dying. But just in case…

NEXT: 15 Scary Video Game Glitches That Will Freak You Out