After the release of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, two major DLC stories came out for the game in multiple episodes. This meant that players who bought the DLC as it was coming out had cliffhangers and new episode releases to look forward to, and all fans of Assassin's Creed Odyssey got to enjoy detailed and expansive new content.

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The two DLC stories that were released were Legacy of the First Blade and The Fate Of Atlantis. For fans who enjoyed these new adventures, some debate has come up about whether one is better than the other. Is it better to explore Atlantis or to meet the first person to use the Hidden Blade? Spoiler warning ahead for both DLC stories.

10 Atlantis Is Better: Map Is More Interesting

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Atlantis Map

Many fans were disappointed when Legacy of the First Blade took place in the base game's map that players were already familiar with. Conversely, The Fate of Atlantis came out with three different maps for each of its three episodes.

Even if Legacy of the First Blade had new maps, it would've been extremely hard to compete with the beauty, vastness, and complexity of the maps in The Fate of Atlantis. Each map for Elysium, the Underworld, and Atlantis fits its respective area well, making them some of the best DLC maps out there.

9 First Blade Is Better: Connects To The Series More

Assassin's Creed Characters Holding A Hidden Blade

The Hidden Blade has become a staple of the Assassin's Creed series, so it's very interesting to see how it was first used in Legacy of the First Blade. The DLC also works to explain Kassandra or Alexios's bloodline and how it connects to other characters in the series as well.

The Fate of Atlantis does still connect to story elements of the series because the Greek gods that players meet are Isu. However, some fans have started to wonder how the explanation of the Isu in Assassin's Creed Odyssey affects the rest of the series, so Legacy of the First Blade is more straightforward and has a connection that's easier to understand.

8 Atlantis Is Better: Meet More Well-Known Figures & Old Friends

Hades and Brasidas in Assassin's Creed Odyssey Fate Of Atlantis DLC

Yes, Darius is an important figure to the lore of Assassin's Creed as a whole. However, players who don't focus on the lore or have only recently started the series might not know enough about Darius for him to feel important.

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The Fate of Atlantis is filled with both Greek gods that many people have at least heard of, as well as characters from Assassin's Creed Odyssey who were referenced or died in the main story. This gives players a chance to be excited about meeting popular figures and old friends that were lost in the campaign, and that's something that both new and old Assassin's Creed players can enjoy.

7 First Blade Is Better: Brings Back The Cultist System

Order Of Dominion targets in Assassin's Creed Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade

One aspect of Assassin's Creed Odyssey that was well received was the introduction of the Cultist system. This required players to find clues to track down different cult members and kill them in order to find the more powerful leaders of the cult until they were all dealt with.

Finding all the cultists lead to the end of the game, and this might've both satisfied and saddened fans who liked this system. Legacy of the First Blade brings this system back, with different episodes following different members too. It's a great, familiar addition to a new story.

6 Atlantis Is Better: Cooler Gear And Abilities

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Raining Arrows Ability in Fate of Atlantis DLC

Legacy of the First Blade does reward players with some armor, a few weapons, and some new abilities to try out, but some fans have expressed disappointment in these items. Depending on someone's playstyle, some of these items might feel like they're better than any other gear they've had, while others feel like these items are useless.

In The Fate of Atlantis, players get numerous armor sets that look great together and add special bonuses. The DLC also adds cool weapons and unique abilities. There are also enhancements for abilities that players get from the base game. Players even get a new Phobos skin from this DLC, so the rewards feel like they are equal to the size and enjoyment of the package.

5 First Blade Is Better: More Time To Connect With Characters

Kassandra and Darius from Assassin's Creed Odyssey Legacy Of The First Blade DLC

While it's exciting to explore a new map in each episode, The Fate of Atlantis DLC doesn't allow players to stick with characters across episodes. Even the more important NPCs don't show up for long, and players only really talk to them for a minute or two at a time.

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In Legacy of the First Blade, players actually get a chance to spend a lot more time with Darius and his family because they feature in every episode. This gives players a chance to see how deep these characters are and the time to change their opinions on them as the story progresses.

4 Atlantis Is Better: Better Boss Fights

Cerberus in the Fate of Atlantis Assassin's Creed Odyssey DLC

Most of the boss fights in Legacy of the First Blade feel pretty similar to other encounters that players will experience in the main campaign of Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Some of these fights have different stages, where the boss will use different weapons or send out their minions to fight, but that's about as interesting as most of them get.

What actually feels new and somewhat fresh are the boss fights in The Fate of Atlantis, as players actually get to fight against several figures from Greek Mythology. From Greek gods to mythical creatures like Cerberus, these boss fights are exciting. They will keep players on their toes as they try to find the best strategy against the new abilities of their foes.

3 First Blade Is Better: More Emotional

Darius and Kassandra in Assassin's Creed Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade DLC

Because Legacy of the First Blade gives players more time to connect with its characters, that's bound to be more emotion behind decisions in the game. The player's choices affect those that they have come to know and potentially call friends, and even the story addressing the consequences of taking so many lives without questioning it.

The ending of the DLC also is a happier one as Kassandra or Alexios have a child who is safe with Darius so the bloodline can continue. The Fate of Atlantis' ending for Kassandra or Alexios isn't so pleasant since they die after having immortality for so long.

2 Atlantis Is Better: Longer Story

Hekate and Kassandra in The Fate Of Atlantis Assassin's Creed Odyssey DLC

One common issue with DLC is that the stories sometimes feel too short, and Legacy of the First Blade is no exception. All three episodes can be completed within a few hours depending on how much exploring players want to do.

The Fate of Atlantis is noticeably longer, even if players don't do much exploring (even though these new discoveries and locations are part of the fun). Each new area presents unique challenges that almost make it feel like three copies of all three episodes of Legacy of the First Blade could be completed in the time it takes to finish The Fate of Atlantis once.

1 First Blade Is Better: Makes More Sense

Kassandra, Natakas, and Darius in Assassin's Creed Odyssey

The Fate of Atlantis sometimes brings up more questions than answers. To some degree, it makes sense that the Staff of Hermes would be passed down so a Piece of Eden could be protected. It just seems like the road to get there is long and filled with problems that other people other than the player should be solving.

Legacy of the First Blade has Kassandra or Alexios running into Darius and finding themselves wrapped up in his situation. This is already a somewhat straightforward start, and it leads to the main character finding Darius's son or daughter who will help them continue their bloodline. Seeing the final scene and how this bloodline continues into Assassin's Creed Origins also shows how the DLC was important to the overall series, so Legacy of the First Blade provides a bit more explanation to its ending than The Fate of Atlantis does.

NEXT: Assassin's Creed Odyssey: 15 Things To Do After You Beat The Game