In a recent interview with, Lost Legacy creative director and writer Shaun Escayg discussed the Uncharted spin off Lost Legacy and the future of the Uncharted series at large.

The Uncharted series will be progressing forward without Nathan Drake, the storyline focusing on Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross, two fan favorites of the series. It will be a full-length game despite the $40 price tag.

“It's a full game. It's kind of the sum of all Uncharteds. It has fantastic set pieces, we've brought back some of the scale, the grandeur you saw in the trailer, giant archeological sites, the sense of wonder and adventure where you're not sure what's around the next corner. For me, Uncharted has the sense of 'oh shit, we're exploring someplace no one's ever been'. We've brought that back there.”

Escayg went on to say that most of the staff at Naughty Dog, a “couple hundred”, is completely focused on Lost Legacy as opposed to Naughty Dog’s other hotly anticipated title, The Last Of Us 2. Lost Legacy will not technically be Uncharted 5, as Escayg has pointed out that the numerical entries all represented adventures undertaken by Nathan Drake. Naughty Dog explored other characters from the Uncharted universe to potentially focus on for Lost Legacy, including Sullivan and Cutter.


“Even before we settled on this particular story we were exploring Sullivan, we were exploring Cutter, and pairing each other up, thinking what would be right, what would have conflict, growth, something new, something fresh. And Chloe was the one that kept jumping out.”

When asked about the future of the series and the possibility of exploring the back story of other characters in the Uncharted universe, Escayg had little to say, except that the series was far from over.

Obviously great news for fans of the series, Lost Legacy sounds like an interesting concept for a series that has generally only focused seemingly on one character. Not that the other characters in the series are lacking in personality; the Uncharted series is loved for its superb character development and story telling, amongst many other things. It’s exciting to think about what other characters Naughty Dog could decide to explore in the future as well, they have plenty to choose from when the opportunity arises.

This seems like an incredibly promising turn for the Uncharted series, especially with the “all hands on deck” approach that Escayg mentioned when asked about the priority of titles in the development circle, taking precious hands away from what could be considered a bigger title, The Last Of Us 2. It’s also a good sign that he mentioned the old charm of the Uncharted series being ever present in Lost Legacy as well, with explosive set pieces and gorgeous shooting galleries to break up, what can only be assumed is an  excellently crafted narrative.

Look for Uncharted: The Lost Legacy August 22, 2017 with that incredibly attractive $40 price tag at release.