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Servants are a useful tool in V Rising that makes it much easier to gather resources over time. Harvesting resources for developing your castle - especially as a solo player - can feel like a drag. Servants speed up the process.

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You get access to Servants by following the standard tutorial in the game, but there are a few other things you need to know about how the system works to maximize your imprisoned human souls.

Updated October 5, 2023, by Sean Murray: It's so hard to get good help these days. That's why we've updated this guide with improved formatting and more breakout tips to make finding the right servants in V Rising that much easier.

How To Get A Servant Coffin And Start Your Servant Army

A coffin in a lair in V Rising

You'll naturally progress to this point by following the tutorial. A mission will send you out to Dominate a human soul - this can be any human NPC you find in the world.

To dominate a human soul, you must use the Dominating Presence skill and channel Kiss of the Vampire. This will work on targets with less than 30 percent health remaining.

You escort them back to the Servant Coffin, wait for it to convert them into your servant, and then command them by constructing the Castle Throne.

A single Castle Heart has the capacity for a total of nine servant coffins, meaning you can have up to nine servants at your disposal.

Simple so far, but things get more complicated when you take the different NPC's characteristics into account. Let's look at this low-level Rogue as an example.

V Rising Rogue

This servant NPC provides a boost to hunting activities within a certain area - in this case, Farbane Forest, where our castle is. This is a location-specific perk, which means it receives a boost if you send that servant out to the matching part of the map.

There are a few things that impact the effectiveness of a servant:

  • Blood Type - This impacts what perks your servant gets, so for the rogue (an archer) it makes sense that it receives a boost for hunting.
  • The quality of the blood is also important - the higher the level of the NPC you Dominate the better they will perform.
  • The gear you provide your servant with - Yep, you shouldn't always just chuck your weapons and gear into the Devourer. You can give these to your servants to improve their gear score and their resource output once you start sending them out on missions.
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Sending Your Servants Out On Missions Via The Castle Throne

V Rising Map

This is where things get exciting. You essentially get to pick and choose which servants go where on the map, and they will return after a set amount of time with a pile of resources.

Different Servants will perform better at certain tasks, all dependent on those three factors we mentioned above - Blood Type, Quality of the NPC, and the Gear. The faction also plays a part, as if the NPC is from the area that you're sending them on a mission they will perform better.

You can adjust the Castle Throne slider to adapt the mission to your servant. This is a fantastic way to harvest a lot of resources quickly.

Next: V Rising: How To Find And Defeat Ungora The Spider Queen