Valorant is gearing up for its next big update later this week with the release of Episode 4, Act II. This expansion is bringing an all-new Battlepass to the first-person shooter, which is brimming with a ton of new items for players to enjoy as they progress. The update is also adding Gaia’s Vengeance skin line and a new range of weaponry for players to hunt each other down with.

Valorant developer Riot Games gave a quick breakdown of what players can look forward to when the new Act drops on Tuesday. The biggest addition is the all-new Battlepass that will require 1,000 Valorant Points or VP to upgrade and unlock all premium tiers. These premium tiers offer players in-game extras like Striker Operator, Striker Knife, Lycan’s Ban Vandal, Bruno’s Happy Dance Spray, and much more.

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Of course, those who do not want to spend the VP for the premium content can still unlock some free rewards by progressing through the Battlepass. The free rewards include some fun in-game items like Striker Classic, Tactibear’s Balalaika Spray, Crying Mance Spray, and All-purpose Slipper Gun Buddy.

Valorant Gaia's Vengeance

Along with the Battlepass, Riot Games is introducing Gaia’s Vengeance skin pack to Valorant. According to the developer, these will be “weapons born of the magical woods that grew before humankind's reign”. These weapons hold the power to both create and destroy life, as they hold onto crystals to protect the forest from those that wish to harm it. Senior Producer Preeti Khanolkar shared some processes behind creating such a magical line:

“We wanted Gaia’s Vengeance to feel magical and mystical. Something ancient and powerful that draws its power deep from an enchanted forest… We could have made a skin line based on a forest theme and taken it in a lot of directions, but the team found this really wonderful blend of mysterious, magical, intricate, and powerful.”

Some features of this new skin line include variants, a “Shimmering Crystal” visual effect, and melee variants. The initial bundle for this new line will run players 7,100 VP and will earn them several items including a Gaia’s Wrath melee and Gaia’s Vengeance Gun Buddy. Both Gaia’s Vengeance and the Battlepass will become available on March 1.

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