Whether you got your Steam Deck in the mail, or Gabe Newell himself delivered it to you, a new console will always require a few updates till it's in peak condition. As of now a handful of the Verified games have been giving players trouble, stemming from either the game's side or the console. With that in mind, Valve has added a new opt-in feature to the Steam Deck which allows it to gather feedback.

"The initial data we're gathering in this way is about titles that are Steam Deck Verified," said Valve via a blog post. "We're able to collect objective data (crashes, etc.) to help us understand how well the technical side of our review process is working, but ultimately the Deck compatibility ratings are about the overall experience: the definition of "working well" is succeeding at enabling current and future Deck customers to find the experiences they want. We want to make sure we're doing that, or identify the titles for which your experiences don't match your expectations."

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After you finish playing a game, a pop-up will ask you if you're interested in answering a few questions about your experience. If yes, the Deck will proceed to ask you about your experience. Seems simple and non-intrusive enough.

Steam Deck feedback
via Valve

Besides being able to run over a thousand games, the Steam Deck can also run Game Pass, albeit via a workaround. A newly released Microsoft Edge beta allows you to access Xbox Cloud Gaming via the Deck's browser. A number of Game Pass titles are available for you to play, except the few which are currently incompatible due to the anti-cheat software.

While Microsoft has shown interest in getting Game Pass onto the Steam Deck, it appears to be taking a hands off approach, saying that dealing with the anti-cheat incompatibility is something the game developers need to do. "It's up to our studios how they fit Steam Deck integration for their games into their busy schedules, and with a lot of great stuff already in the works some titles may take longer", reads a post by Xbox Games Studio on Steam.

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