In a week from now, on June 6th, a game called Active Shooter was supposed to make its debut on Steam. The game was meant to put players in the middle of a mass shooting. That already sounds like an ill-advised idea for a video game, but it gets even more heated because players could actually be the active shooter. An idea like that naturally caused controversy, and now the game is being removed from Steam.

With such subject matter, the game soon became a topic of conversation outside of the usual gaming circles. Once they learned of the game's existence, Active Shooter’s most vocal critics became the people directly affected by mass shootings. With their opinions being as weighty as they are, the Washington Post did a whole story about it. Yet while the large amount of public outcry may have played a role, Vice found another reason for the game’s removal: its maker is a scummy businessman.


After the controversy surrounding the game got public, Steam owner Valve did an investigation into Revived Games and ACID, the companies behind Active Shooter. They found that “This developer and publisher is, in fact, a person calling himself Ata Berdiyev, who had previously been removed last fall when he was operating as ‘[bc]Interactive’ and ‘Elusive Team.’”

Berdiyev has a bit of a history on Steam. His games share a common theme of trying to cash in on current trends while using copyrighted assets. And when Valve catches on to his shenanigans, he just changes company names and makes new rip-off games. Facebook, Tide Pods, and Bitcoin are just a few of the things he made games about under the name Revived Games.


As if that wasn’t enough, Berdiyev is, as Valve puts it “a troll, with a history of customer abuse, publishing copyrighted material, and user review manipulation.” Say what you will about the current political climate or censorship, but Vavle’s case against Berdiyev is rock solid. A game “creator” with a history of abusive behavior and blatant copyright infringement has no business being in business. Hopefully this is the last we see of Ata Berdiyev.