Many don't realize that video game addiction is a real thing and has started to become a problem in modern society. The World Health Organization added "gaming disorder" to its 2018 version of the International Classification of Diseases, which shows just how real this problem has become.

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Several signs can show when this hobby has turned into an addiction that friends, family, and even gamers themselves can watch out for. It can difficult to admit a problem, but it is better to handle it before it becomes too much of an issue. Keep reading to learn about 10 signs you're addicted to video games!

10 Using It As An Emotional Crutch

Gamers often use this time as an emotional crutch to help them forget about their other problems. It is fine to relax for a little while to destress, but complete avoidance is unacceptable.

When people have an addiction it has a severe calming effect on them the moment they pick up the controller as they forget the rest of their daily woes. The best way to handle this is to try something new to relieve stress and put the game away for a few days.

9 Finding Yourself Unable To Quit

We all know those gamers who refuse to quit and play for hours on end into the dead of night. This could be a sign of an addiction as they find it impossible to put the game down for even a second.

They might always be online or have completed a game several times in a few short days. One way gamers could handle this issue is to set a bedtime or a certain amount of time to play in order to prevent their gaming from getting out of control.

8 Physically Suffering Because Of Gaming

When gamers find it hard to quit, or even put the game down for a second, it can cause their health to suffer. This could include things like lack of sleep, not eating proper meals, or even poor hygiene.

It can cause a person's health to degrade as they develop more serious illnesses due to their bodies not functioning properly. The best way to handle this is to make sure that gamers are taking care of themselves first and playing games second so they can be healthy, while still finding happiness.

7 Lying To Others About How Much You Play

A big sign indicating a gaming addiction is when gamers start lying to their loved ones about how much they really play. They could go big and say they play casually a few nights a week, or lie about the number of hours they play a night.

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We all tend to have signs that show when we are lying, so this is an easy one for many to figure out. If a friend is the one with the problem then it might be good to bring it up or talk with someone else to help them manage their addiction.

6 Spending Money On Gaming Instead Of Bills

This sign is more prominent in adults who have bills to pay and families to take care of at home. If the person starts to put all of their money into gaming, rather than pay bills or buy necessities like food, then this could be a sign of an addiction.

It means they have begun to value video games over everything else in the world as they put all of their money toward this hobby. Luckily, this can usually be stopped with children as parents just have to take their own wallets away, but as an adult, it can be a tricky situation.

5 Constantly Thinking About Gaming

This will not be as obvious to a friend or family member as it would to the gamer themselves. They will find that their every thought leads them to think about gaming, and it even invades their dreams.

It is the only thing they will be able to think about day after day no matter what major events happen in their life. This is one sign that might have a gamer reevaluating their sense of self as they learn to put down the game and get themselves back on track.

4 Decreased Performance In Work Or School

Gaming, like any hobby, can begin to affect performance in work or school if it turns into an addiction. The focus will be taken away from supporting yourself or learning to better yourself in life, to that of becoming a better video game player.

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This coincides with the last sign that it will become all a gamer thinks about as they lose focus of what really matters. Video games should never affect life at work or school, and this is a major sign that changes need to be made.

3 Loss Of Real-World Friends

We all have friendships that fade with time, but a person addicted to video games will have no friends in the real-world. They might have developed friendships with players online, although, it is important to keep those outside of gaming as well.

These friendships limit the type of activities they can do together, as they are probably from different states or even countries. If it has not turned into an addiction yet, it can lead to one, as they find their only friendships to be through a mic.

2 You Develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is something that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in your hand, fingers, and wrist. This condition is usually developed by those who spend a lot of time on the computer, and it can point to addiction if this is developed at a young age.

It is all fun and games until your body starts responding to the stress of your addiction as it tells you it is time to stop. Some take the hint, while others keep playing and end up in worse situations.

1 Aggression Towards Others Who Limit Your Gaming

The final sign, and the one that makes loved ones wonder what is wrong, is when gaming leads to aggression. This could include physical violence following a loss in a game, or as simple as verbal assault when a gamer is not allowed to play.

There are various levels of aggression, but none of these should be taken lightly as they all point to a problem. Help is always available and it is important to talk to someone if you fear addiction is in your future.

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