Games are designed to make you feel an array of different things. Whether it be the jubilation of scoring a last-minute goal, or the fear instilled in you as you face down a whore of zombies. Some games can turn you into a bag of nerves too. Take Jenga, for example. Now imagine you're playing the tabletop brick game in a situation where every time you successfully remove a piece, your fingers get a little bit longer.

That's a concept someone has come up with and turned into a reality. Well, a virtual reality since the only way to make that happen while playing real Jenga would be for its creators to include gloves in an array of increasingly ludicrous sizes with every set of bricks. No, it's much easier, and equally as nerve-wracking, to go with VR when it comes to this project.

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The video begins with a pair of blue, normal-sized hands carefully removing a brick and gently placing it at the top of the tower. Cut to a hand with slightly longer fingers, but still somewhat normal-looking, getting a little braver with the removal of their brick. It's the third shot where things get really out of hand. A long blue finger akin to something you would find on Jack Skellington's anatomy is shown pushing a brick from the middle of the tower, only for hand number two to come crashing in from the right when it tries to remove it.

If you've played Jenga before, then you'll know the nerves can get to you pretty quickly and the shakes will soon set in. In long fingers VR mode, those shakes are accentuated with each turn. Even if you're only shaking a normal amount for a game of Jenga, your fingers will quickly have become so long that even the slightest tremble will make removing a brick from a teetering tower of blocks an almost impossible task.

The comments beneath the post above reflect that. Just watching the video of others playing is nerve-wracking enough. Actually grabbing a controller and getting involved will require nerves of steel. The game is also a reminder of how simple an entertaining VR game can be. Elsewhere in the growing world of VR gaming, Morrowind's multiplayer is now available to play in virtual reality to celebrate the game's 20th anniversary.

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