If you were to pick a single Warframe that could literally do it all, you’d be hard-pressed to do better than Octavia. She’s got a kit that most Warframes can only dream of: her Mallet ability has infinite scaling damage; Resonator can crowd control entire maps of enemies; Metronome can buff her entire team with added armor, speed, damage, and even invisibility; and Amp just dials everything about Octavia’s kit up to 11. She really is the bard that can do everything.

And now you can get an even better bard in Octavia Prime. With added shields, energy, and an extra polarity slot, Octavia Prime might just be the best Warframe in the game.

But as with all Prime Warframes, getting Octavia Prime and her signature weapons, Pandero Prime and Tenora Prime, isn’t going to be easy. Luckily, we’ve got the knowledge to make the grind just a little bit easier.

How To Get Octavia Prime

Octavia Prime Access
via Digital Extremes
Octavia Prime Access

The easiest way to get Octavia Prime is to just pay for Prime Access. PC has three tiers that will get you Octavia Prime immediately, while console has two tiers of Octavia Prime access.

But if you’re not full of Platinum to pay for Prime Access or trade for Octavia Prime parts, then you’ll have to gather Octavia Prime the hard way. That’s by obtaining Void Relics that can possibly contain Octavia Prime parts and then cracking them open by performing Void Fissure missions.

The Void Relics that contain Octavia Prime parts are listed below.

Octavia Prime Blueprint

  • Axi O5 - Rare Reward

Octavia Prime Neuroptics

  • Lith G3 - Common Reward

Octavia Prime Chassis

  • Neo Z7 - Uncommon Reward

Octavia Prime Systems

  • Meso D6 - Common Reward

These Void Relics can drop from a number of different sources, but we're just going to list the ones with the highest possible chance. You can head over to the Warframe Wiki for the full list of sources.

Axi O5

  • Apollo, Lua - Disruption rotation B, C (14.29%, 12.42%)
  • Xini, Eris - Interception rotation B, C (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Berehynia, Sedna - Interception rotation B, C (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Cerberus, Pluto - Interception rotation B, C (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Profit-Take Bounty - Phase 4 (14.29%)

Lith G3

  • Olympus, Mars - Disruption rotation A, B (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Cambria, Earth - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Unda, Venus - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Suisei, Mercury - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Arval, Mars - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Shklovsky, Phobos - Spy rotation B (14.29%)

Neo Z7

  • Kelpie, Sedna - Disruption rotation A, B (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Ur, Uranus - Disruption rotation A, B (14.29%, 13.56%)
  • Ghoul Purge Bounty - Lvl 40-50, Final Stage (22.62%)
  • Ghoul Purge Bounty - Lvl 40-50, Stage 4 (15.64%)
  • Ghoul Purge Bounty - Lvl 40-50, Stage 2 & 3 (17.84%)
  • Profit-Taker Bounty - Phase 4 (17.14%)

Meso D6

  • Io, Jupiter - Defense rotation A (14.29%)
  • Palmon, Europa - Defense rotation A (14.29%)
  • Helene, Saturn - Defense rotation A (14.29%)
  • Olympus, Mars - Disruption rotation C (14.29%)
  • Ur, Uranus - Disruption rotation A (14.29%)

Once you’ve obtained the necessary Void Relics you can bring them into a Void Fissure mission to crack them open. Remember to refine your Void Relic using Void Traces to increase your chances of getting the component that you want (all Axi O5 relics should be refined to Flawless to maximize your chances of getting the Octavia Prime Blueprint, for example).

How To Get Tenora Prime

Octavia Prime Fight
via Digital Extremes
Octavia Prime Fight

Just like Octavia Prime, you can get Tenora Prime parts from Void Relics. The process for acquiring and opening Relics is the same, although the Relics themselves are different from the ones which contain Octavia Prime.

The Void Relics that contain Tenora Prime components are listed below.

Tenora Prime Stock

  • Axi T6 - Uncommon Reward

Tenora Prime Barrel

  • Lith T5 - Rare Reward

Tenora Prime Blueprint

  • Neo B7 - Common Reward

Tenora Prime Receiver

  • Meso T4 - Rare Reward

Once again, these Relics can drop from a number of different sources, but these are the ones with the highest drop chances.

Neo B7

  • Apollo, Lua - Disruption rotation A (14.29%)
  • Kelpie, Sedna - Disruption rotation B (14.29%)
  • Ur, Uranus - Disruption rotation B, C (14.29%, 13.56%)
  • Elite Sanctuary Onslaught - Rotation C, 8 Zones (15.18%)

Lith T5

  • Olympus, Mars - Disruption rotation A, B (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Cambria, Earth - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Unda, Venus - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Suisei, Mercury - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Arval, Mars - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Shklovsky, Phobos - Spy rotation B (14.29%)

Meso T4

  • Io, Jupiter - Defense rotation A (14.29%)
  • Palmon, Europa - Defense rotation A (14.29%)
  • Helene, Saturn - Defense rotation A (14.29%)
  • Olympus, Mars - Disruption rotation C (14.29%)
  • Ur, Uranus - Disruption rotation A (14.29%)
  • Kelpie, Sedna - Disruption rotation A (14.29%)

Axi T6

  • Apollo, Lua - Disruption rotation B, C (14.29%, 12.42%)
  • Xini, Eris - Interception rotation B, C (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Berehynia, Sedna - Interception rotation B, C (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Cerberus, Pluto - Interception rotation B, C (14.29%, 14.29%)

Just like with Octavia Prime, remember to refine the Relics to increase your chances of getting the Tenora Prime part before you head into a Void Fissure mission to crack these Relics open.

Related: Warframe 1.96 Update Breakdown And Full Patch Notes

How To Get Pandero Prime

Octavia Prime Access
via Digital Extremes
Octavia Prime Access

By now, the process for finding and opening Void Relics should be pretty familiar. It’s the same for Pandero Prime, just with a different set of Relics and fewer of them. Here are the relics you need.

Pandero Prime Barrel

  • Axi C6 - Uncommon Reward

Pandero Prime Blueprint

  • Lith I1 - Common Reward

Pandero Prime Receiver

  • Neo P2 - Rare Reward

And here’s where to find ‘em.

Lith I1

  • Olympus, Mars - Disruption rotation A, B (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Cambria, Earth - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Unda, Venus - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Suisei, Mercury - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Arval, Mars - Spy rotation B (14.29%)
  • Shklovsky, Phobos - Spy rotation B (14.29%)

Axi C6

  • Apollo, Lua - Disruption rotation B, C (14.29%, 12.42%)
  • Xini, Eris - Interception rotation B, C (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Berehynia, Sedna - Interception rotation B, C (14.29%, 14.29%)
  • Cerberus, Pluto - Interception rotation B, C (14.29%, 14.29%)

Neo P2

  • Ur, Uranus - Disruption rotation B, C (14.29%, 13.56%)
  • Apollo, Lua - Disruption rotation A (14.29%)
  • Kelpie, Sedna - Disruption rotation B (14.29%)

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