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The Golden Tempest is a tiger-like Kemono in Wild Hearts that harnesses the power of the wind to deal devastating attacks. With its fast, unpredictable attacks, the Golden Tempest can be a frustrating Kemono to take down. However, it is possible, with a little preparation.

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Defeating the Golden Tempest will take some practice, but with the tips below in mind, you can prevail. Below, we'll take a look at everything you need to know before hunting the Golden Tempest, including its weaknesses and moves, the best equipment to use, and the materials it drops.

Golden Tempest - Strengths And Weaknesses

golden tempest ecology page
  • Attribute - Wind
  • Soft Parts - Head, Tail
  • Attribute Weaknesses - Fire, Earth
  • Ailment Weaknesses - Frozen
  • Attribute Resistances - Wind
  • Ailment Resistances - None
  • Physical Effectiveness - Lunge

The Golden Tempest is weakest to Fire and Earth attacks to its head. Luckily, its head is quite large, making it an easy target, especially from long-range attacks from the Bow or Hand Cannon. On the other hand, the Golden Tempest negates Wind attribute damage, and Wood and Water attributes aren't very effective.

Besides its head, its tail also takes more damage than other body parts, but it can be a bit harder to hit due to the Golden Tempest's tendency to reposition with its head forward after each attack. If you can cut its tail off, you can reduce the effectiveness of some of its attacks, however.

Best Equipment To Fight Golden Tempest

Wild Hearts Claw Blade Posing

The Golden Tempest has very strong attacks that deal a lot of damage, so be sure to craft and equip the very best armor you can get. Anything with high physical and wind defense will provide the most damage reduction. The Sable Mara armor set, crafted from Mighty Fumebeak materials, is great against the Golden Tempest thanks to its high physical and wind defense. If you're struggling against the Golden Tempest, definitely take the time to craft this armor set.

The Claw Blade, Bladed Wagasa, and Bow are good weapons against the Golden Tempest, offering mobility, defense, and range, respectively.

The Bulwark Fusion Karakuri is a device to use against the Golden Tempest, and can protect you from a variety of its charging attacks. Additionally, if you bring the Celestial Anchor and Torch Karakuri to this fight, you can awaken to the Celestial Cannon, which can deal massive damage to a stationary enemy. This Karakuri is great for dealing damage to the Golden Tempest when you can't get in normal hits. The Celestial Cannon can be conjured with an Anchor, Torch, Anchor, Anchor, Torch, Anchor combo.

The Celestial Shield is also a great Karakuri to have for this fight. The Celestial Shield will enable you to negate the next instance of damage, which is very handy against the Golden Tempest because most of its attacks deal a lot of damage, meaning the Shield always has value.

Golden Tempest - Fight Breakdown And Moves

golden tempest approaching the player

The Golden Tempest attacks with its massive body, utilizing its speed and mobility to dash around and reposition itself. This Kemono doesn't leave a lot of openings after its attacks, making dealing damage tricky. Instead, this fight is more of a rhythm, alternating between dodging and attacking in quick succession.

The Golden Tempest's main form of attack is its dash attacks. It will crouch for a moment before leaping forward, dealing high damage and rolling at the end, which can damage you again if you're not careful. Time your dodge just right, and you may be able to get a hit or two in after.

One of the Golden Tempest's most dangerous attacks is its pounces. The Kemono will leap into the air before slamming down, dealing high damage. In some cases, the Golden Tempest may do a shorter pounce, followed immediately by a tail spin, then launch a wind projectile from its tail. This combo of attacks requires you to dodge three times almost back to back, but you can get a few hits in after.

The Golden Tempest may also create a wind vortex of sand, pushing you away from it. Then, it will launch a projectile from its tail, so get ready to dodge. Alternatively, you can avoid this by quickly conjuring a Bulwark Karakuri.

Alternatively, the Golden Tempest may use this wind vortex to pull you closer before using a pounce attack. This can be dodged like normal; don't let the vortex throw you off.

golden tempest sandstorm enrage attack

When the Golden Tempest has taken enough damage, it will enrage. The Kemono's tendrils will glow red at their ends, and several of its attacks will be empowered. As the Golden Tempest enrages, it will gather sand in a vortex of wind before blasting the area, dealing massive damage. Quickly get out of the area when the Golden Tempest enrages to avoid this attack.

When enraged, the Golden Tempest's pounce attacks will deal more damage, and it may use its stronger version twice in a row. After certain pounce attacks, it may conjure an orb of wind that it slams to the ground after a high leap. Avoid this attack by waiting until the last second before dodge sliding out of the way.

When enraged, the Golden Tempest has a chance to use a wind-empowered dash attack twice in a row. When you see the Kemono crouching low as sand gathers around it, get ready to dodge, then dodge again.

Golden Tempest - Drops And Materials

The Golden Tempest will drop the following materials. These can be used to craft the White Fang armor set.

  • Golden Tempest Auric Claw
  • Golden Tempest Auric Pelt
  • Golden Tempest Auric Ruff
  • Golden Tempest Auric Saber
  • Golden Tempest Celestial Robe
  • Golden Tempest Nugget
  • Golden Tempest Tail
  • Steely Golden Tempest Hide
  • White Fang Teardrops
  • White Fang Kemono Blood
  • Giant Autumn Breeze Crystal

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