With the current-gen upgrade for The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt launching on December 14, we're finding out more about the things CD Projekt Red has changed or added. The most basic difference is the ability to toggle between Performance and Quality mode, a photo mode and the usual quality of life upgrades – but there are other major and minor additions that will come with this upgrade, and it turns out one of them comes in the form of the wrinkly Nilfgaardian armour that everyone hated, from Netflix's TV show adaptation.The Nilfgaardian army was terrifying enough on its own, but the producers of The Witcher show decided to drill down on that, and give it an armour design which – as pointed out by Eurogamer – many viewers felt was akin to a ballsack. RELATED: I'm More Excited For CDPR's New IP Than Witcher Or Cyberpunk"The thing you hated from The Witcher Netflix show is coming to the game," said a Tweet by AniGaming Nation. "The wrinkly, disgusting Nilfgaard armour from The Witcher Netflix show is coming to The Witcher 3, as part of the next gen upgrade." The image posted with the Tweet clearly shows what appears to be a Nilfgaardian soldier wearing a black armour with the wrinkly design as seen in the TV show.

Back when the armour was first shown, and audiences made fun of it, showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich explained in an interview that this was done to differentiate between the armies of Nilfgaard and Cintra. "[The armour had to] look like they picked it up, they did it quickly, and they put them on them. It’s not meant to have the same look as standard armour."

While The Witcher 3 will probably see a boost in concurrent players, Netflix's The Witcher TV show seems to be having a rough time. Henry Cavill, Geralt himself, has left the show, prompting the showrunners to bring Liam Hemsworth onboard for season four onwards. It's unclear why exactly Cavill left so abruptly – the two prevailing theories are that he needed to make time for his return as Superman, or that he wasn't happy with the producers' treatment of the source material ind his character.

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