Yasuo and Lee Sin are two of many champions set to receive buffs in upcoming League of Legends patch 10.25. Gameplay design director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter released an early preview of the future patch on Twitter yesterday. The Tweet also outlines a number of champion nerfs and item changes.

While specific champion changes are left out of the preview, 20 characters are confirmed for buffs in patch 10.25. Along with Yasuo and Lee Sin, Anivia, Talon, Warwick, Lulu, Taliyah, Twitch, Mordekaiser, Qiyana, and Karthus are set to receive buffs. Nidalee, Gragas, Ivern, Nasus, and Yone are also included on the list. Pantheon’s top lane, Seraphine’s mid lane, and both Wukong and Rengar’s jungle will all receive buffs as well.

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Samira, who joined the champion roster only a few months ago, is set to receive yet another nerf in patch 10.25. Jhin, Galio, Annie, Fizz, Kayn, and Kayle join her on the list, as does Morgana’s mid lane. Specific changes aren't provided for any of these champions. Both Kayle and Samira were nerfed in patch 10.24, with the latter receiving multiple changes since her League of Legends debut in September.

A bunch of in-game items are set for changes, a lot of which will be cost reductions. Sunfire Aegis, Frostfire Gauntlet, Turbo Chemtank, Seeker’s Armguard, and The Collector are all set for nerfs, though no details are specified for any. Ranged champions’ lethality and Mage Manamura are also set for nerfs.

Immortal Shieldbow, Galeforce, Kraken Slayer, Rapidfire Cannon, Infinity Edge, and Zeke’s Convergence are all set for unspecified buffs in patch 10.25. Bandleglass Mirror will see a cost reduction from 1050 to 950, while Imperial Mandate, Moonstone Renewer, Shurelya’s Battlesong, and Locket of the Iron Solari are all also set for cost reductions. Luden’s Tempest’s ability haste will be bumped up from 10 to 20, and its magic penetration will be lowered from 10 to 6. Everfrost’s ability haste will also be increased from 10 to 20.

As specific changes aren’t outlined for most of these updates, we’ll have to wait until the patch drops to see how they affect the game’s balance. League of Legends patch 10.25 is expected to hit live servers on December 9th.

Source: Mark Yetter

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